Who is
The Ale Chaser?

“It’s been a weird life”

Anyone who knows me well has heard me utter this phrase, and it’s true. It doesn’t feel so weird when you’re living it, but telling my stories over the years have given me the benefit of perspective on the winding, often chaotic road that’s led me here.

I have been a professional wrestler and a dog trainer. I have spoken to hundreds of my peers in convention centers and had a (thankfully) short-lived hip-hop career. I have traveled the world and explored my own backyard. I have been hurt, and been triumphant, but most often something in between.

I first dove into the world of craft beer and beverages for no reason other than simply not knowing what else I truly enjoyed doing. I liked people, and I liked drinks, and so selling beer to accounts across the Northeast seemed like a good fit. And it was.

I love the craft beverage industry. It has given me a career, the best friends of my life, experiences beyond my wildest dreams, and opportunities beyond what I could ever hope.

Now I am fortunate enough to share some of that hard-won experience with all of you. So thank you for stopping by my page. And thank you for reaching out and saying a quick hello. I’m excited to meet you, and too work with you to make your own experience as rich as mine has been, and your own business as successful as you would like it to be
